News and Announcements

Main results of Re-water project

The following video describes the main results of Re-Water Project.

November 2020 edition of the Re-Water Newsletter has been published

The November 2020 edition of the Re-Water Newsletter has been published and is online.

April 2020 edition of the Re-Water Newsletter has been published

The April 2020 edition of the Re-Water Newsletter has been published and is online.

This edition is presenting the press release that was given to media of Western Greece from the Mayor of Patras Mr Kostas Peletidis for the installation of the Pilot Plant Membrane system at the Sewage treatment Plant of Patras.

You can view it directly below or you can download it from the following link: April 2020 Re-Water Newsletter

Re-Water -Final Event - International Workshop

The Municipality of Patras , invites you at the Workshop organizing under the project "Re Water: Eco technologies for the wastewater management, Interreg V A Greece Italy 2014 2020" on  September 16th 2020 at Hotel Byzantino (Riga Feraiou str. 106, Patras) with title

“Reuse of treated wastewater… the solution to address water resources scarcity”

WORKSHOP 24th & 25th February 2020: Re water Eco technologies for the wastewater management

The University of Patras has completed successfully a two-day workshop on 24th and 25th February 2020. On 24th February the workshop took place at the Chemical Engineering Department, University of Patras, at the Library A.C. Payatakes. The day started with the greetings from the President of Municipal Enterprise of Water Supply & Sewage of Patras, Mr. A. Papanikitas; the Vise Mayor of Municipality of Patras Prof. N.

January 2020 edition of the Re-Water Newsletter has been published

The January 2020 edition of the Re-Water Newsletter has been published and is online.

This edition is describing the partner’s meeting was held on 26 th November 2019 at Aquedotto Pugliese Media Room Via Salvatore Cognetti, 36 in Bari. You can also find information about the Rewater participation on various Technical Seminars and Workshops in Italy and Greece.

You can view it directly below or you can download it from the following link: January 2020 Re-Water Newsletter

Reuse of Wastewaters: Technological Innovations, Social And Managerial Conditionings Workshop

The Polytechnic University of Bari, in collaboration with AIAT and the Order of Engineers of the Province of Bari, is pleased to invite you to the technical seminary “Reuse of wastewaters: technological innovations, social and managerial conditionings”. The seminar will take place on January, 30th at the Lecture Hall “Attilio Alto” in the Polytechnic University of Bari.

4th Meeting of the INTERREG GREECE-ITALY 2014-2020 “RE-WATER Eco-Technologies for the Waste Management” Project

The 4th meeting of the INTERREG GREECE-ITALY 2014-2020 “Re-Water Eco-technologies for the waste water management“ project took place on November 26th at the Acquedotto Pugliese Media Room  in Via Salvatore Cognetti, 36 of Bari

The project consortium includes:

November 2019 edition of the Re-Water Newsletter has been published

The November 2019 edition of the Re-Water Newsletter has been published and is online.

This edition is describing the partner’s meeting which was held in took place on 10th and 11th July 2019 at the DICATECh coucil room (1st floor) of the Polytechnic of Bari. You can also find information about the Rewater participation on various Workshops in Italy and Greece.

You can view it directly below or you can download it from the following link: November 2019 Re-Water Newsletter

Technological innovation in the management of the wastewaters Workshop

The Polytechnic University of Bari is pleased to invite you to the technical seminary “Technological innovation in the management of the wastewaters”.

The seminar will take place on November, 5th at the Council Hall of DICATECh department, in Via Orabona, 4.