The November 2020 edition of the Re-Water Newsletter has been published and is online.

The final event for the closure of the project took place on 16th September 2020 at the Hotel Byzantino in Patras. The event was organized by Municipality of Patras and Municipal Enterprise of water Supply and Sewerage of Patras Konstadinos Konstadakopoulos, Re Water Project Manager from the Dpt of Environment Energy of Municipality of Patras gave a speech concerning the contribution of treated wastewater reuse in climate change tackling Professor Danilo Spasiano from Polytechnic University of Bari talked about the adoption of new technologies for the reuse of wastewater Professor Christakis Paraskeva from the Department of Chemical Engineering of University of Patras presented the Installation and operation of the pilot ultrafiltration unit at DEYAP sewage treatment plant, the characteristics of the treated water and proposed several actions for the utilization of the produced water Eng Fabrizio Dell'Anna from Acquedotto Pugliese SpA presented the AQP and sustainable water management technological innovation and reuse of wastewater in Gallipoli Dr Eleni Sazakli from  the Laboratory of Public Health Medical School of University of Patras gave a lecture concerning the wastewater recycling and presented cases of application studies in You can view it directly below or you can download it from the following link: November 2020 Re-Water Newsletter

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6thNewsletter.pdf 359.83 KB