The scope of the Re-Water Project is:

  • Introduction of environmentally-friendly sustainable technologies and processes to manage wastewater disposal systems.
  • Improvement of actual waste water plants using environmental friendly technologies with pilot and demonstration projects in the field of the reduction of marine pollution
  • Reduction of marine pollution also with the introduction of reusing treated water for civil use
  • Enhancement of knowledge and awareness of the stakeholders in the field of reduction of water pollution and of treated water management with cross-cutting measures.
  • Comparison, in terms of cost and effluent quality, of a classical tertiary treatment train with a final UVC/H2O2 treatment with the ultrafiltration.
  • The results of this project will be helpful for the design of new STPs or the modernization of already existing STPs, which discharge their effluents in a marine environment sensitive as the ones of Ionian and Adriatic seas.
  • These actions prevent marine pollution and guarantee a quality of STP effluents, which could allow their reuse according to European regulations.