Re-Water project participated with a poster on Patras IQ, 6th workshop for innovation and know-how transfer. 

The 6th Technology Transfer Exhibition - Patras Innovation Quest (Patras IQ) was held on 12th, 13th and 14th of April 2019, in Patras, and it was co-organized by University of Patras, the Ministry of Education, Research & Religious Affairs, the Ministry of Economy & Development, the Chamber of Achaia, the Region of Western Greece, the Hellenic Open University and the Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece.

Its main objective is to create a critical competitive advantage both in the research community as well as in the productive sector, through a constant effort to solve problems and apply innovative ideas for the development of new products and services and the optimization of existing ones, which aspire to conquer a part of the national and global market.

You can see the poster below

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ReWaterPosterPatrasIQ.pdf 505.24 KB